Solderwith electronic elements that melt when heated to a certain level printed circuit board (PCB) is a simple welding material that creates an electrical connection between the conductive paths on it. Soldering, which is frequently used in the electronics industry, mechanically secures the position of parts as it hardens when it cools.
Piyasada en çok kullanılan lehim telleri, genelde %60 kalay ve %40 kurşun karışımından elde edilir. Bu karışım olası korozyonlara karşı dayanıklıdır. Kalay oranı arttıkça erime noktası daha yüksek noktalara erişir. Bu da uygulamada zorluk meydana getirir.
Solder, which is generally produced in the form of wire and sold wrapped around a spool, is used by melting with a soldering iron that undertakes the heating task. Soldering Iron When the tip reaches an average temperature of 300 °C, the solder wire is touched. The solder wire, which heats up to 180 °C to 200 °C, melts easily. The melted solder is applied between the two conductors to be connected. For good soldering, both points must be clean and heated.