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How to Make Cafe and Restaurant Lighting?

Lighting design for cafe and restaurant operators is not only for the purpose of lighting the space, but also to add a style to the environment. Thanks to the right lighting design, you can reflect the concept of your place in the right way. You should also remember that the colour, application and intensity of light affects the mood and purchasing decisions of customers. So, what is it? how to make cafe and restaurant lighting?

cafe and restaurant LED lighting

How to make cafe and restaurant lighting? Determine Lighting Types

Topics in cafe and restaurant lighting can be determined as general lighting, accent lighting and task lighting.

  • General lightingIt appeals to all places such as cafes or restaurants and aims to illuminate evenly. Luminaires mounted on ceilings or walls are used. General lighting determines the basic light level of the space and is very important for safety.
  • Accent lightingfocuses on certain areas of the living space or on certain objects. LED spot, bar LED or pendant type lamps are preferred. Emphasis lighting emphasises the decoration and architectural structure of the space.
  • Task lighting is a type of table or floor LED lighting that helps customers or employees to do a specific job. Task lighting is used to facilitate different tasks such as reading menus, preparing food, making product presentations or paying the bill.

Combining these three types of lighting harmoniously brings the basic solution to the issue of how to make cafe and restaurant lighting. When determining the types of lighting, you need to make choices according to the height, width, shape, texture, colours and concept of the area. For example, while dim lights are preferred in a place that aims to relax, cold colours can be preferred in areas used for dining.

Lighting level is also among the very important issues. Too intense light in cafe and restaurant lighting can make the space uncomfortable. Too little light adds gloom to the environment. Therefore, you should adjust the light level according to the needs and expectations of your customers. For example, you can choose a lower light level for an authentic cafe. Or for restaurants in a shopping centre, you can choose a constant and bright light level.

In addition, the exterior lighting of these cafes and restaurants also attracts the attention of customers. LED projector, LED Wallwasher application or DMX RGB LED applications increase visibility at night.


